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Install Sybase Ase Odbc Driver Windows

tremrasoldiaphodet 2021. 6. 5. 13:34

Performance Monitor for SAP/Sybase ASE. Monitor/MDA tables are great, but there is a fair amount of work necessary to use them, especially without a tool. Monitor/MDA tables are great, but there is a fair amount of work necessary to use them, especially without a tool. Sybase client installation. Follow RSS feed. 1 Like 6,582 Views 0 Comments. The SQL Anywhere ODBC driver is installed and accessible from the. NetWeaver system is running with SAP Sybase ASE, this step is not required. Lib_dbsl (dbsybslib.so/dll) is available on SAP Market.

  1. ODBC drivers only appear in the ODBC DS Admin utility after installation, once installed you 'Add' a particular DSN and the Add-DSN wizard prompts you to choose one of the installed drivers. To install an ODBC driver (if not an in-box driver from MS), you would typically run the vendor's installation/setup application (e.g.
  2. I was trying to install Sybase 12_5_2 Client on windows 2008 servers. I sued the standard client package. When I installed the package I didn't receive any erros. When I chacked the OBDC administrator, I didn't see the sybase drivers listed. Does anybody know what could be the issue? Any help would be appreciated.
Install Sybase Ase Odbc Driver Windows
ERROR [HY000] [MySQL][ODBC 3.51 Driver]Can't connect to MySQL server on 'IP Address of the server'(10048) ERROR [HY000] [MySQL][ODBC 3.51 Driver]Can't connect to MySQL server on 'IP of the server' (10
Hi, I am randomly getting the following error message in my application. ERROR [HY000] [MySQL][ODBC 3.51 Driver]Can't connect to MySQL server on 'IP Address of the server'(10048) ERROR [HY000] [MySQL][ODBC 3.51 Driver]Can't connect to MySQL server on 'IP of the server' (10048) I am using .Net 2.0 with VS2005 having ODBC 3.51.14 Driver. Can any body point out the core reasons of the above error message? Thanks. Nouman Khawaja. I do have the same problem, help me out. Thanks If the going seems easy, You are going DownHill... When I was writing ...
No ODBC Drivers on 64 Bit Windows server
Trying to run SQLAnywhere on a windows 2003 64Bit server using a Developer edition of 9.02 with EBF of 3456. I am using the 32Bit installer to keep this in line with all our other machines that run on 32bit platforms. Files all install with no errors, however I am unable to create an ODBC entry under System DSN. When I click to configure I only MS SQL options and no Sybase drivers at all. Under the User DSN I have the two sample DB's but these cannot be opened as they have no drivers either. Where and how can I get these files in without adding reg entries manually? Wha...
Create a production build of Firefox for Microsoft 64-bit OSs (Vista 64, MS Windows 2008 Server 64-bit)
Name: Dmitry Viazmin Email: dmitrydotviazminattutdotby Product: Firefox Summary: Create a production build of Firefox for Microsoft 64-bit OSs (Vista 64, MS Windows 2008 Server 64-bit) Comments: Hi, It would be great to get a production build of Firefox for Microsoft 64-bit OSs (Vista 64, MS Windows 2008 Server 64-bit). Do you plan to do that? Best Regards, Dmitry Viazmin Browser Details: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008092417 Firefox/3.0.3 From URL: http://hendrix.mozilla.org/ Note to readers: Hendrix gives no expectation of a...
ODBC driver on 64 bit server
I've got a Windows Storage Server 2003 64-bit server on a Dell PowerEdge 2950. After installing Sybase SQL Anywhere 8, I don't see the ODBC driver under the System DSN tab. Does that need to be installed manually? If so, can you give me instructions? Thanks, Ken 64 bit Windows (or at least the x64 version which is the one I have) has two ODBC control applets. One for 64 bit apps, which is the one you see in Control Panel etc, and one for 32 bit apps which has no shortcut anywhere. Look for ODBCADM32.EXE in the SYSWOW64 directory; something like C:WINDOWSSysWOW64...
Are there any 32-bit or 64-bit ODBC drivers for ASA 9.0 for Windows OS's available for download?
Hi everyone, I'd like to create a dsn pointing to ASA 9.0 database on a remote server. The local PC does not have any Sybase / ASA product installed. 1. Is it possible to create the DSN on this local PC? 2. If so, where can I possibly get the drivers? 3. Any other information on this will be highly appreciated. Regards. might want to post this question to the sybase.public.sqlanywhere.general newsgroup. This is an ASE newsgroup. <ckmutunga@gmail.com> wrote in message news:7548f502-4963-4c66-8acd-121c443c59f5@k37g2000hsf.googlegroups.com... > Hi everyone, > ...
PB11 app on Server 2008 64-bit/Sql Server 2008 R2 64-bit
I have just installed my pb11 app on a Server 2008 64-bit and a Sql Server 2008 R2 64-bit. Unfortunately when running my app on the server, the database connection fails. I am using Sql Native Client in the app and the returned error message text from SQLCA was 'Sql Native Client is not installed' - but it was installed, although it of cause is the 64-bit Native Client, and perhaps that is the problem!?. I then tried to use ODBC instead using odbcinst32.exe from the SYSWOW64 folder to ensure 32-bit setting, but with no luck, the error message from SQLCA was 'T...
ODBC DSN less connection issues using ASE ODBC Driver
Hi, I am facing a problem while making dsn less connection to sybase Here is the thing, I shall try to make it simple: this piece of connection string works fine in production with sybase 11 open client installed Driver={SYBASE SYSTEM 11};Srvr=SYBPRD_DEV;Uid=SYBPRDCOM;Pwd=welcomedb1; However, I am trying to setup a Dev environment with Sybase open client 12.5 ..this piece fails with the following error msgs, Connection string: err msg: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified (i tried changing it to {SYBASE ASE ODBC Drive...
ODBC error: external error, while testing an ODBC connection to an ASE server
'The connection failed because of invalid or missing external configuration data.' Does this have to do with the configuration of OCS-12_0 or the ocscfg.exe? Running ocscfg.exe, I've set the 'SYBASE:' directory to 'C:sybase' but it doesn't seem to like it when I set the 'Sybase_OCS:' to 'C:sybaseOCS-12_0'. I don't know if this is related. Another idea - on the install I chose 'No' to updating the msvcrt.dll (the MS C Runtime) because I've seen that hose a system before. Is this file safe to overwrite and ca...
Interbase ODBC 64 bit driver for Windows 7
Is there or will there be one available for download? Kenneth Clark wrote: > Is there or will there be one available for download? Not yet. Can't be, without a 64 bit client. The next version of IB, per the roadmap, will include a 64 bit server, so maybe then? -- Craig Stuntz · Vertex Systems Corp. · Columbus, OH Delphi/InterBase Weblog : http://blogs.teamb.com/craigstuntz/ Kenneth Clark wrote: > Is there or will there be one available for download? There is no ODBC 64 bit driver today. It does not make sense to have one today as there is no InterBas...
Where can I get a 64 Bit ODBC driver for ASE
I installed ASE Developer edition for Windows, in a 64 Bit Windows 2008 box, and it installs a 32 Bit ODBC driver, but I need a 64 Bit one. I know it does exist in Sybase, but I cannot find the link or how to download it. I am trying to create a Linked Server from inside SQL Server 2008 64 Bits. Anything else, save a native OLE DB driver will not work. I see that there is one 64 bit driver in Sybase Data Source Manager, but it does not show in SQL Server 2008 OLE DB drivers. Can somebody help? Hi, What ASE version? I don't know offhand if the Developer editions include the ...
Description of the System Update Readiness Tool for Windows Vista, for Windows Server 2008, for Windows 7, and for Windows Server 2008 R2
What is the System Update Readiness Tool? System resources, such as file data, registry data, and even in-memory data, can develop inconsistencies during the lifetime of the operating system. These inconsistencies might be caused by various hardware failures or might be caused by software issues. In some cases, these inconsistencies can affect the Windows servicing store, and they can cause software updates not to work. The System Update Readiness Tool tries to resolve these inconsistencies. http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=947821 -- 'If U know neither the enemy nor y...
Connecting with ODBC from .NET App on Windows Server 2008 64Bit
I have a .NET 2.0 Application configured for anyCPU. I connect to SQL Anywhere via System.Data.OleDb specifying an ODBC Datasource in the connection string. The odbc datasource is sybase 32-bit. The application runs on a windows Server 2008 64-bit. Starting the application gives a OleDbException. How I have to configure my app/odbc to run on the 64-bit server? Is that possible or do I need 64-bit odbc driver? You might want to check out this thread http://groups.google.com/group/sybase.public.sqlanywhere.general/browse_thread/thread/1119b12324a9ac20/2da4d07b952ee254?q=iAny...
ASE 15.0.2 64-bit on WINDOWS SERVER 2003 SP2 64-bit Platform
Respected, gurus,..... For ASE 15.0.2 64-bit on WINDOWS SERVER 2003 SP2 64-bit Platform Is there any extra configuration or care need to take on OS side for the better performance of Databse. Sybase Recommended how much minimum and maximum RAM for above comfiguration. You have asked a very general question... I'll try to address a few questions... Give ASE as much RAM as you can up to the size of all of your data... The best place to start may be the performance and tuning guides last written for ASE 12.5.1... ************use http://infocenter.sybase....
pb odbc app unable to connect with oracle from 64 bit windows
We have a customer that would like to run our pb app on 64 bit Citrix against Oracle. However, I have not been able to get our app to connect to their Oracle database. From the odbc admin (odbcad32 in the system32 directory), I am able to setup an oracle odbc dsn, and using the Test Connect, I do connect with the database, but our app, immediately reports a connect or password error when it is trying to connect. Any thoughts/suggestions are appreciated. Thanks, Doug ...
Need evaluation ODBC driver for ASE 12.5.2 developer on Windows 2000 Server
Hi, I have downloaded ASE 12.5.2 Windows Server and PC-client developer for evaluation purposes. I installed on Windows 2000 server. I need an ODBC driver so I can setup an ODBC DSN connection. Where can I get an evaluation ODBC driver? I tried under downloads EBFs/Maintenance Open Client, but that requires that I have a signed contract with Sybase. Thanks, Keith > Hi, > > I have downloaded ASE 12.5.2 Windows Server and PC-client > developer for evaluation purposes. I installed on Windows > 2000 server. I need an ODBC driver so I can setup an ODBC >...


Starting with Windows XP and Windows Server 2003, ODBC is included in the Windows operation system. You should only explicitly install ODBC on earlier versions of Windows.

This section describes how ODBC components are installed and removed. Because driver developers always install an ODBC component (their driver), they need to read this section. Application developers need to read this section only if they will ship ODBC components with their applications. ODBC components include the Driver Manager, drivers, translators, the installer DLL, the cursor library, and any related files. For the purposes of this section, ODBC applications are not considered to be ODBC components.

Sybase Odbc Driver Windows


This section is specific to Microsoft Windows platforms. How ODBC components are installed on other platforms is platform-specific.

Sybase Ase Odbc Driver For Windows

View all Windows apps. Sybase adaptive server enterprise. Free Sybase ASE. Run client/server applications on a single operating system. Install a SAP Sybase Adaptive. Are there any free Sybase ASE 12.5x ODBC Drivers available, or does anyone have any experience with any paid ones? I'm looking for a fast and simple solution, but don't necessarily want to pay big bucks. SAP Sybase ODBC Driver for Adaptive Server Enterprise provides high-performance and feature-rich connectivity solution for ODBC-based applications to access ASE databases from Windows, MacOS, Linux, both 32-bit and 64-bit.

ODBC components are installed and removed on a component-by-component basis, not a file-by-file basis. For example, if a translator consists of the translator itself and a number of data files, these files are installed and removed as a group; they must not be installed and removed on a file-by-file basis. The reason for this is to make sure that only complete components exist on the system.

Install Sybase Odbc Drivers

For purposes of installing and removing components, the following are defined to be ODBC components:

Free Sybase Odbc Driver

  • Core components. The Driver Manager, cursor library, installer DLL, and any other related files make up the core components and must be installed and removed as a group.

  • Drivers. Each driver is a separate component.

  • Translators. Each translator is a separate component.

Sap Ase Odbc Driver

With the support of Unicode in ODBC 3.5 and later, some consideration must be given to using OLE DB components with ODBC. The 1.1 version of the OLE DB Provider for ODBC was written to specific Unicode specifications within ODBC 3.0. Because these specifications changed in ODBC 3.5, it is necessary to have version 1.5 or later of the provider when using ODBC 3.5 and later. This section contains the following topics.